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Unicre’s Offices

2.500 sqm | 2021 Project

The conceptual idea of ​​the architectural project of the Architecture and Construction team at Worx Real Estate Consultants for the new Unicre’s offices was based on designing a space that would enhance, emphasize and innovate the image and brand values ​​of this financial institution.

Unicre’s new office space is located in the Green Park office building, in the center of Lisbon, and is approximately 2,500 square meters in area. Spread over a single floor, the architectural solution for this project was to create an office space that promotes a work culture of sharing, transparency and involvement among employees.

The plasticity attributed to the central core space gives it dynamism and versatility, creating moments that stimulate interaction, the sharing of ideas and creativity.

Unicre’s new office project is a reflection of the new trends in terms of work, social and environmental terms, which have been applied in the interior design of offices.

Real estate sustainability was present throughout this architectural project and in the conception of its design, which was guided by the use of ecological and national materials, as well as the integration of energy efficiency technologies.

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