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Torres de Lisboa – Torre H


Torres de Lisboa is a reference office center in the reantal office market in Lisbon. With a location well-served of road transport, and located next to the 2ª Circular and Eixo Norte-Sul, in these office buildings we find companies such as Galp Energia, Mazars, Cetelem, Hospital da Luz, etc.

Designed by architect Frederico Valsassina, this office development consists of 4 main buildings of 16 floors and 4 intermediate buildings of 5 floors. The buildings of Torres de Lisboa are characterized by the quality of construction, total absence of columns and their rectangular typology. Here we find a hospital, several dining spaces, as well as public parking for visitors and concierge service.

Just 5 minutes by car to Lisbon Airport.

As part of an innovative project, which continues to be constantly developed and improved, Tower H, with offices for rent, will undergo a refurbishment, and has areas of up to 826sqm per floor. With a rectangular layout and easy adaptation to the needs of each tenant, this office building also has a cafeteria, meeting rooms and an auditorium on the ground floor.

Tower H of Torres de Lisboa has 24-hour security and 45 private parking spaces in the basement.


Rua Tomás da Fonseca


HVAC system

Private WC


24-hour Security

False ceiling with inlaid lighting

Double glazing

Sistema de deteção de fumos e incêndios


Natural light



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