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Data Centres – Insufficient supply for the exponential needs

Considering that Data Centers are an emerging sector with great potential in the real estate market in Portugal, the Worx Research team carried out a study that reflects the value and importance of this sector in the national context.

The study serves as an initial guide for investors and enthusiasts in the Data Center sector who wish to better understand the concepts, requirements, fundamentals and existing and future offer, not only to broaden their knowledge about this sector, but also to explore and evaluate opportunities in this area, which guarantees higher returns.

Thanks to Portugal’s strategic position, given the submarine data transmission cables that connect our country to 5 continents through 11 cables, there is great potential for development in this sector.

Once again, sustainability cannot be forgotten, a priority point nowadays, both in the real estate sector and for Data Centres, considering the environmental impact that these real estate assets have, given their characteristics and specific energy needs.

To learn more, read the Press Release and download the study “Data Centres -Insufficient supply for the exponential needs”.

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