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Shortage of student accommodation

On the occasion of Student Day, Worx Real Estate Consultants is highlighting the lack of accommodation available for higher education students. According to the consultancy, in the 2023/2024 academic year there were more than 448,000 students enrolled in higher education, 44% of whom were displaced persons, 32% of whom were national students and 12% international students, mainly from the PALOP countries (Brazil, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde), France and Italy.

With reference to the last 5 years, this figure reflects an average annual growth of around 3% in the student population in Higher Education, a percentage that is even higher among foreign students – 14% on average – showing both the commitment of young people and families to seeking better professional qualifications and the internal and external attractiveness of Portuguese universities. As a result of this trend, the current number of students in need of accommodation is around 194,000, a figure that is expected to continue to grow in the medium term. Although the supply of student accommodation is trying to keep up with this growing demand, the pace of response is still far from meeting needs. In fact, it is estimated that the total supply at present corresponds to 16,300 beds in public university residences, 10,100 beds in private residences, 5,600 rooms in private apartments (September 2024), 1,270 beds in registered accommodation and a residual number of beds in religious residences, which will correspond to a coverage rate of only 7% of the total university student population and only 17% of the displaced university population. This percentage reflects the obvious shortage of this type of accommodation on offer, and compares poorly with other European countries with coverage rates of between 30% and 40% (the UK and Denmark, for example).

According to Pedro Rutkowski, CEO of WORX, “The mismatch between demand and supply of university student accommodation is clear. In our view, this situation can only be overcome by a joint effort between public authorities and private stakeholders. Without this collective effort, the market will continue to show the pressure of unsatisfied demand and, as a result, rising prices, to the detriment, above all, of Portuguese students and their families.”

João Tinoco, Investment Director at WORX, also stresses that “There is the capacity to create collaborative partnerships involving real estate developers, operators to manage the residences and even investors who bring the capital needed to develop these projects. These are win-win solutions, not only for those directly involved, but also for the market and, in particular, for students who face enormous difficulties every year in securing stable and decent accommodation throughout their university career.

At WORX we are proactively involved in this challenge and hope to continue the good work we believe we are doing.” WORX thus believes that only through the collaboration of all the players will it be possible to boost the development of the sector, guaranteeing better conditions for students and strengthening Portugal’s attractiveness as a leading academic destination.


March 24th, 2025

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